BnB Tobacco offers a huge collection of top-quality cigars for every taste. Not the least of these selections is Winterman’s Café Crème cigarillos. These beauties may be smaller than standard cigars, but they do not skimp on flavor. In fact, they are the perfect choice for everyone, from novice cigar smokers who do not want to be overwhelmed by intense flavors to the connoisseur who cannot always take the time to enjoy a full-sized cigar.
Café Crème cigarillos are available in three different varieties: Arôme and Blue, which both have a medium-strength flavor and a built-in filter, and Original, which is milder strength. All three varieties have a ring gauge of 20 and a length of 3 and all come in a tin to preserve their quality and freshness.
Made from the finest blends of tobaccos from Africa, Brazil, Java, Columbia, and the Dominican Republic, these cigarillos deliver a pleasant coffee flavor with each puff. With BnB’s affordable pricing, easy online ordering, and convenient home delivery, many satisfying smokes are just a click away.