If you are looking for a supreme machine-rolled cigar with excellent flavor and rich smoke, you can guarantee Cloud 9 Palmas will not let you down. These are every bit as good as Game Palmas, only at a fraction of the cost. These cigars are perfect for the occasional or daily cigar smoker, easy to light on your smoke break, put out, and relight later.
Cloud 9 Palmas are the slowest burning and freshest Palmas you will find anywhere. They are perfect for when you have some down time; just light one up, kick back, and relax with a smooth smoke. These are the slowest burning and freshest machine-rolled cigars you will find on the market.
Mom's Cigars carries a wide variety of Cloud 9 Palmas at unbeatable prices and guaranteed fresh when they reach your door. Change the way you think about machine-rolled cigars. Try one today.