Cult Classic Cigars have been making quite an impression on cigar aficionados. This cigar has a solid build and a unique blend of tobaccos that are smooth and not overly complex.
These fine cigars offer premium filler tobaccos that hail from Nicaragua and Jalapa, making them a definite crowd pleaser. The firmness of each cigar offers an even burn so the smoker rarely needs a lighter past the initial flame.
These exceptionally fragrant cigars come in four different sizes that include a Gran Toro, Robusto, Toro, and Torpedo. The flavors within are nicely transitioned and incredibly smooth.
These classic cigars are also very appealing as they come in a beautiful milk chocolate Rosado Ecuadoran Habano wrapper. Very few veins can be felt on these affordable cigars, which make them even more attractive.
This impressive tobacco product stands very tall in a rather competitive market.