Do you love the perfect, even burn of a machine-rolled cigar but also want the natural feeling of a handcrafted cigar? Garcia y Vegas are the perfect balance, with quality tobacco, machine-rolled and wrapped with an unprocessed tobacco leaf for that hand-rolled feeling. Garcia y Vega is one of the most popular brands of cigars, and their products can be found almost anywhere—and that is not without good reason.
With a unique flavor and aroma, Garcia y Vega began rolling cigars in 1882, and as one of the top selling brands in the US, you know you can count on a pleasant smoking experience. Using only the finest aged tobacco, they are committed to producing some of the finest cigars you will find in wide distribution.
Mom's Cigars carries Garcia y Vega cigars in a variety of sizes and flavors to suit your specific tastes. Guaranteed to arrive fresh at your door!