Montecristo, a cigar brand with a vast history in Cuban, Dominican and other Caribbean markets, is one of the most well-known names in the cigar industry. Even non cigar smokers have come to know the prestige of a Montecristo cigar. Originally rolled in Cuba for Habanos SA, once the embargo was put on Cuba, Montecristo became a brand rolled with delicious tobaccos in La Romana, Dominican Republic. Now you can find any Montecristo almost anywhere, with the same precision and consistency they have had for the past 80 years.
The first Nicaraguan Montecristo, the Espada is blended by Montecristo's world famous Grupo de Maestros and constructed with vintage tobaccos specially aged by the Plasencia Family. Espada is a rich, majestic, complex and deeply satisfying smoke.